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Saturday, May 18, 2024

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The Lesson Plan

NFP: Celebrating God’s design for love and life

Pro-Woman, Pro-Man, Pro-Child, Natural Family Planning

NFP summer schedule

Natural Family Planning Information

Restoring dignity through NFP-compatible medical care

Following the sexual revolution, many in the women’s healthcare community in the United States adopted a paradigm of care which has undermined women’s dignity through a few key hypocrisies.

The fruitfulness of NFP

Marriage is a loaded, contested word these days. Everyone seems to have a different idea on what it is, and what it looks like. The Church teaches that three essential factors of marriage are that it be faithful, fruitful, and forever. We may feel at a loss as to how to make that point in our society today; we’ve called the legislators, we are still praying, but we really feel that one of the best things to do as Catholics is to live our own marriages well. To do that, we need to be martyrs, of a sort.

Pentecost: Catch the Spirit and be bold in your faith!

Pentecost, May 19, is a solemnity — the highest ranking liturgical feast — and it celebrates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. It serves as the grand and glorious conclusion to the 50-day Easter Season — seven continuous weeks that celebrate the greatest mystery of the Christian faith, the resurrection. It brings the paschal mystery to completion.

We find grace for Christian conversion in meeting the Risen Lord and the Holy Spirit

In examining the early Christian Church as described in Acts, there are certain characteristics that were integral and intrinsic to the Christian community.

Month of May celebrates Mary, motherhood

Three special days celebrate devotion to Mary

Pope: God is real, concrete person, not mysterious, intangible mist

The Christian faith teaches that God is a real, concrete person, not some intangible essence or esoteric mist like "god-spray," Pope Francis said.
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