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Saint Paul
Saturday, May 18, 2024



From readers – March 25, 2021

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Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord A Dual Feast

It has traditionally been known as Palm Sunday because the Mass begins with a gospel text that recounts how palm branches were used to welcome Jesus into Jerusalem, and because palm branches are blessed at the beginning of Mass and carried in procession as part of the Entrance Rite. It has also traditionally been known as Passion Sunday because the Passion Narrative is proclaimed during the Liturgy of the Word.

Forming and informing Catholics to transform Minnesota

Solidarity with hospitality workers; vigilance over issues affecting Church 

The bond to the glory of domestic life

Division in the household can certainly dim the glory of domestic life. Jesus grew up in the stability of the Holy Family, and after those hidden years, later taught during his earthly ministry that a house divided cannot stand.

Lamb: Saving grace central to Jewish, Christian faiths

One of God's more timid creatures is embodied with deep religious symbolism forever tied to the Jewish and Christian faiths. The gentle lamb appears as a sacrificial saving grace from Exodus through the New Testament.

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Joseph is honored with two feasts each year, March 19, the Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and May 1, St. Joseph the Worker.

Who will speak your name before God?

As evil as the COVID-19 pandemic has been, it has also been a blessing in at least one regard: It has heightened our awareness of the eternal value of being personally present to one another. The human person was created for and only flourishes with personal, in-the-flesh encounter. So COVID-19, with its quarantines, isolation and mask mandates, in its terrible way, heightens the import of embodiment and even more specifically, the Incarnation.

Jesus “lifted up”

A message repeated for two consecutive weeks
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