82.4 F
Saint Paul
Sunday, May 12, 2024



The ethics of pig to human organ transplants

Early this year, a Maryland man suffering from severe heart failure underwent a new experimental procedure, receiving a pig heart transplant. His medical team had determined he would be a poor candidate for a human heart transplant or for an artificial heart, so he was offered the opportunity to participate in a novel treatment using a genetically modified pig’s heart.

What the pandemic has taught us about school choice

How do we make up two years of disrupted learning for a generation of children? We begin by looking at what did work during those two years. 

From readers – January 27, 2022

Building back trust in the hierarchy One-sided on Capitol attack Inconsistent message

Readers Respond – Bishop Cozzens and prayer for 2022

Recent invitations to comment have included 200 words or less on “What is your prayer for our country or world in 2022?” and “Has Bishop Andrew Cozzens touched your life in the past eight years he’s served as an auxiliary bishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis?”

Shepherd or judge? A tale of two sacraments

When I made my first confession, I clutched an index card with sweaty palms. On one side, I'd copied the act of contrition, dutifully memorized -- but what if I tripped up in the heat of the moment? On the reverse was a detailed list of my sins, anxiously scribbled lest I miss one.

Nonpublic schools doing more with less

Minnesota has a longstanding policy that certain financial supports are allocated for all K-12 students irrespective of a family’s choice of school, including textbooks, nursing services, transportation and counseling aid. Minnesota Catholic Conference (MCC) and an interfaith coalition of nonpublic school stakeholders (Nonpublic Education Partners) advocate to ensure those nonpublic pupil supports are adequately funded and easily accessible.

Self-gift comes from the two greatest commandments

Loving neighbor as gift of self radiates from the practice of the first and greatest commandment — loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. St. Bede, a seventh-century spiritual father and gifted writer, comments how “neither of these two kinds of love is expressed with full maturity without the other, because God cannot be loved apart from our neighbor, nor our neighbor apart from God.”

Minnesota’s Catholic Supreme Court justice

On May 2, 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court announced its verdict in the case Buck v. Bell. The court ruled in favor of John Hendren Bell, superintendent of the State Colony for Epileptics and Feeble Minded*, upholding a Virginia statute that favored involuntary sterilization of individuals who were deemed mentally unfit. Only one justice dissented. He was Pierce Butler, a Catholic and native of Minnesota.
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