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Saint Paul
Tuesday, April 16, 2024

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Focus on Faith

Hurry to choose life

On pilgrimage with the Visitation Sisters, we had arrived just moments before Mass was to begin. Walking by the sacristy, the sacristan surprised me with the question, “Priest?” I said, “Yes.” Pointing inside he said, “Hurry.”

The couple that prays together stays together

Prayer is communication with God, it needs to have a central place in every Christian marriage, and it has a powerful unifying effect for a couple. Healthy communication strengthens relationships, and if prayer is communication with God, regular, sincere communication with God strengthens a person’s relationship with God, as regular, sincere communication between a husband and wife strengthens the person’s relationship with one’s spouse.

Anticipating heaven, humbly

“God in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor.”

Fighting the ‘noon-day devil’ of acedia

Q. I sometimes just wish that I could run away from the life I am living. There is nothing terribly wrong with it, but I get this feeling that I should just leave this behind and try something new. Is this a sign that I should?

Christ offers peace that is not of this world

This weekend’s Gospel passage features some of the more perplexing words spoken by our Lord. Today, the Prince of Peace asks: “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division” (Lk 12:51). How is it that the one who is the source of unity and peace can say that he has actively come to divide, to set the world on fire?

Outdo one another in love

Competition can kill a marriage or cause it to flourish, depending upon the model used. There is competition American-style or competition Jesus-style as explained by St. Paul.

Searching for the ‘good life’

What is the good life? According to a common American conception, the “good life” is imagined as one of sufficient economic success to secure a timely and restful retirement. Stating it so simply already begins to make the idea sound frivolous. But when we think about it, this really is a driving narrative of our culture that shapes the way we conceive of our lives.

I’m so busy. How can I grow and become a saint?

Q) I really want to grow. I mean, I really want to become the person that God has called me to be, but I find myself being so busy that I can’t imagine adding more to my plate in order to be a saint. How can I fit more in?
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